Transport and Parking

Intercity Coach Transport

Transport to/from the Airport
Transport and Parking
Intercity Coach Transport

You can also reach Václav Havel Airport Prague comfortably aboard coaches operated by RegioJet, FlixBus, and Gepard Express.

RegioJet Stops
  • Praha-Florenc and Karlovy Vary
    (after arrival)

RegioJet coaches in the direction of Praha-Florenc or Karlovy Vary (i.e., in both directions) stop in front of Terminal 1 (under the elevated road to Terminal 2).

  • Václav Havel Airport Prague Line (for departure)

RegioJet coaches headed to Václav Havel Airport Prague depart from Praha-Florenc coach terminal.

Buy Tickets

FlixBus Stops
  • N913 Line: Prague-Prague Airport, Prague-Florenc, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava, Krakov
  • 854 Line: Brno, Prague-Florenc, Prague-Prague Airport, Louny, Chomutov, Klášterec nad Ohří, Karlovy Vary
  • 858 Line: Prague-Florenc, Prague-Hradčanská metro station, Prague-Prague Airport, Louny, Most, Jirkov, Chomutov

FlixBus coaches in both directions stop in front of Terminal 1 (under the elevated road to Terminal 2).

Gepard Express Stops
  • Prague Airport – Brno Grand Line

Gepard Express coaches in both directions stop in front of Terminal 1 (under the elevated road to Terminal 2).

Ticket Sales
RegioJet Tickets
FlixBus Tickets
  • Online at 
  • Via FlixBus mobile app
    App Store/Google Play
  • At FlixBus counters (Prague-Florenc and Brno-Grand Hotel) or at all Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) points of sale
  • From the coach driver, capacity permitting
Gepard Express Tickets


(Mon–Fri 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
Gepard Express
(Mon–Fri 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., or nonstop in emergency)