
Baggage complaints and lost baggage

Baggage check-in on arrival

Baggage complaints

Damaged or lost baggage

Your baggage may be damaged or lost during transport. In this case, you may file a complaint regarding your baggage at the baggage complaint counter of the handling company that checked in your flight and is shown on the information board for your flight. The counters of all three handling companies are located in the baggage reclaim area in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.

The baggage complaint staff will write a report regarding any lost or damaged baggage. The report will include a reference number and contact details for further communication.

In most cases, lost baggage will arrive on one of the next flights and is usually delivered to the address given by you. The baggage delivery method will depend on the conditions of your airlines.

In the event of any subsequent complaints, you should contact your airline directly within 7 days of your arrival at latest.

Lost baggage

On board the plane

Should you forget your baggage or other personal effects on board the plane, please contact your airline directly, or the handling company that checked you in.

In the grounds of Vaclav Havel Airport Prague

Should you forget baggage or other personal effects in the airport grounds, please contact our lost and found department using the contact details below

For contact details please see here.

Should you lose ID documents, please contact the Police of the Czech Republic via telephone: 220 114 444.

For a list of handling companies and their contact details please see here.

All baggage-related operations (from check-ins to reclaims after the flight) are performed by the handling company indicated on the information boards. Make claims regarding any complaints, damaged or lost baggage to this company.