Annual Report of Prague Airport for the year 2023Downloaded here Consolidated Annual Report of Prague Airport for the year 2023Downloaded hereArchiv výročních zprávAnnual Report_Prague Airport 2022Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 3.37 MBFormat: Annual Report_Prague Airport 2021Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 8.09 MBFormat: Consolidated Annual Report_Prague Airport 2021Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 6.57 MBFormat: Annual Report_Prague Airport 2020Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 3.11 MBFormat: Consolidated Annual Report_Prague Airport 2020Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 6.63 MBFormat: Annual Report_Prague Airport 2019Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 3.17 MBFormat: Annual Report_Prague Airport 2018Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 4.56 MBFormat: Consolidated Annual Report_Prague Airport 2018Updated: 1. 7. 2024Size: 9.49 MBFormat: Annual Report_Prague Airport 2017Updated: 2. 7. 2024Size: 8.43 MBFormat: