The Supervisory Board of Letiště Praha, a. s., has nine members. The term of office of a member of the Supervisory Board is five years.Supervisory Board compositionChairman: Stanislav KoubaVice-Chairman: Martin SekalMembers: Tomáš Blodek Jiří Hošek Pavel Dobeš Jaroslav Klaška Petr Kubíček Milan Suchý Petr ŠobotníkPursuant to Section 44c of the Law No. 93/2009 Coll., on auditors, and amending certain other legislation (the Auditors‘ Act), as amended, Letiště Praha, a. s. has established Audit Committee. Audit Committee has 3 members, appointed by the sole shareholder for the period of 5 years.Audit Committee compositionAndrea Lukasíková, date of birth 7. 2. 1980Zelený pruh 48, 147 00 Praha 4Chairman of the Audit CommitteeDay of commencement of membership: 24. 10. 2023Day of commencement of office: 12. 12. 2023Petr Šobotník, date of birth 16. 5. 1954Jeseniova 2861/46, 130 00 Praha 3Vice-Chairman of the Audit CommitteeDay of commencement of membership: 24. 10. 2023Day of commencement of office: 12. 12. 2023Ivo Středa, date of birth 25. 12. 1953Janýrova 3235/2, 100 00 Praha 10Member of the Audit CommitteeDay of commencement of membership: 24. 10. 2023