In the aviation sector, we differentiate between safety and security. SAFETY can be understood as a set of measures against human mistakes, usually unintentional actions taken out of a lack of knowledge or out of negligence of occupational duties, non-existent or incorrectly defined operating procedures, failure of technical equipment or impact of force majeure.The second term in this context is SECURITY, which deals with the protection of civil aviation against illegal actions. In practice, this covers instruments and measures aiming to prevent the committing of any crime inside aircraft, in the terminals or near the airport. The best-known measures are likely to be security checks of passengers and their luggage.In relation to security, Prague Airport has fully qualified experts who provide consulting or training in this sector. These services are provided by the Prague Airport Training and Coaching Centre, which is based in connecting building T2 next to staff entrance no 24 and carries out training courses on SECURITY, SAFETY and DGR, among other topics. In addition to general information, the tab Safety training courses and coaching contains a detailed timetable of training courses and coaching offered, booking forms and contacts.SafetyMoreSecurityMoreSafety and Security Training CoursesMore