DetailsTerminal 2Public AreaOpening HoursAccording to SpecificationCurrent opening hours:Monday 06:00-22:00Tuesday 06:00-22:00Wednesday 06:00-22:00Thursday 06:00-22:00Friday 06:00-22:00Saturday 06:00-22:00Sunday 06:00-22:00Currency exchange serviceBuy-back guaranteeWestern Union money transfersCash advancesVAT refundsCash deposit for companiesFor current Czech National Bank Exchange rate please visit www.cnb.czRights for customers when exchanging moneyFor each transaction up to a maximum of EUR 1,000, customers may cancel the Exchange transaction within 3 hours.If the Exchange office kiosk closes before the 3 hour period elapses, the period continues to run when the kiosk re-opens.Exchange office kiosks may not chargé any fees of commission for their services.Exchange offices are permitted to present only one Exchange rate per currency at a time. MapContacts Eva Hátlová, Airport manager +420 734 657 955 +420 605 277 686