Pro naše sousedy

Air Traffic Noise

For Our Neighbours
Pro naše sousedy

Prague Airport regularly monitors air traffic noise and actively seeks ways to reduce it.

Noise Monitoring Method

We use the German company Topsonic’s TANOS system to monitor air traffic noise and flight paths. The system is operated by an accredited laboratory; Prague Airport has user-level access to the system. Regular measurement takes place at 14 permanent locations with the greatest noise burden – (locations of noise monitoring stations are available here) and is supplemented as needed by measurements taken by mobile stations.

Noise Abatement Measures

Basic noise abatement measures include noise charges, which are designed to motivate carriers to use quieter aircraft on routes to and from Prague. At the same time, we also apply charges for non-compliance with slot coordination and for breaking night operation rules. The collected funds are used exclusively for solving the noise issue, i.e., for air traffic noise monitoring, noise studies, and the implementation of noise abatement measures within the Noise Protection Zone, e.g., anti-noise windows and the Ventilation Programme.

Learn more about noise abatement measures, noise monitoring, and noise issues here.

Do you have a question? Are you planning to buy a property and need to know what the noise situation is going to be like in ten years’ time? Do not hesitate to contact us.